Todays Flash Sale: 51% off of your order and a free one gram Green Crack pre-roll for every $50 spent! 

Todays Flash Sale: 51% off of your order and a free one gram Green Crack pre-roll for every $50 spent!

Category Archives: Science of Cannabis

CBD vs THC: Why Do You Get High From THC, But Not From CBD?

Cannabis has been legal for about a year and a half, so many Canadians who [...]

Can You Eat Raw Cannabis?

Have you ever noticed farm animals or wildlife eating cannabis before? If you have, your [...]

Best Fruity Weed Strains

Cannabis is always associated with one particular scent, skunk. Whether you are a newbie to [...]

Why Use Cannabis?

We all know the stereotypes, Cannabis makes you lazy, Cannabis makes you slow, Cannabis makes [...]

How Seniors Can Benefit From Medical Marijuana

For decades cannabis has been portrayed as an illicit drug, a drug that gets people [...]

What are Cannabis Topicals & How They Work

Cannabis topicals are among the wave of new cannabis products flooding the market, taking us [...]

MCT Oil – Best Carrier Oil for CBD

When you are interested in investing in or creating your own CBD oil or topical [...]

Does CBD Oil Need to be Refrigerated?

Because of CBD’s powerful healing properties and wide range of versatile uses, CBD oil has [...]

How to Use CBD Oil for Arthritis

As we get older out body starts to work against us instead of for us, [...]

Best Cannabis Strains for Sleep and Insomnia

One of the best medicinal options for using cannabis is its ability to aid with [...]

Women and Weed: Cannabis and Women’s Health

As the medical use of marijuana evolves and the negative stigma surrounding it diminishes, many [...]

What Is Medical Marijuana Used For?

Marijuana has been legal in Canada for just a few years now. It has definitely [...]