Todays Flash Sale: 51% off of your order and a free one gram Green Crack pre-roll for every $50 spent! 

Todays Flash Sale: 51% off of your order and a free one gram Green Crack pre-roll for every $50 spent!

Category Archives: Social Issues

Top Benefits of Mail Order Marijuana

The days of meeting up on an poorly lit corner or in the parking lot [...]

How To Get Rid of Weed Smell

Unlike most drugs, cannabis has a distinctive aroma that can be recognized by its dank [...]

How Cannabis Can Be A Life Saver

Cannabis… For some, just a plant, but for many more it is a life changing, [...]

Cannabis Culture Around the World

If you’ve ever worn a hemp-fiber, Rastafarian shirt while toking from a huge blunt as [...]

Why Use Cannabis?

We all know the stereotypes, Cannabis makes you lazy, Cannabis makes you slow, Cannabis makes [...]

How Seniors Can Benefit From Medical Marijuana

For decades cannabis has been portrayed as an illicit drug, a drug that gets people [...]

Women and Weed: Cannabis and Women’s Health

As the medical use of marijuana evolves and the negative stigma surrounding it diminishes, many [...]

What Is Medical Marijuana Used For?

Marijuana has been legal in Canada for just a few years now. It has definitely [...]

Best Strains For Anxiety

As research grows around the relationship between cannabis and anxiety, marijuana is proving to be [...]

Great Options for Enjoying the Holidays Indoors

This holiday season we have all been forced to adapt our ordinary routines to fit [...]

Can You Be Allergic To Weed?

Is it possible to be allergic to weed? The answer might surprise you! Although severe [...]

Can You Donate Plasma If You Smoke Weed?

In these uncertain and ever changing modern times it is more important than ever that [...]