Larry OG, also known as “Legendary Larry”, was originally created by crossing OG Kush with SFV OG. This is a hybrid strain that is featuring the entire lemon-pledge funk along with the vigor of the real Tahoe cut. In addition, there will be the hints of woodsy feel of SFV OG. The users of this strain say that Larry OG is giving out pungent as well as sweet and fresh aroma. The taste of the strain is similar to the smell and is sweet and tangy. The taste of this strain can be compared with that of a fresh orange. The laboratory testing of Larry OG showed that the strain has total THC, 0.1% CBN and 0.5% CBD. The higher THC content of this strain will be beneficial for people those who are seeking to improve their appetite. Moreover, this strain is known for creating body-high which will be great for alleviating body pain.
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kellycmac99 (verified owner) –
Can’t Waite to try this weed never had it before but I bet it’s pretty good
Jonah Fiddes –
THanks for the very first review of this product!